Thursday, January 29, 2009

Nintendo USBs

Nintendo branded USB drives.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Back to it.

Haven't posted in a while... some unforseen things have been going on. But, back to it with this post of my portfolio.

Check it out here.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Who Watches the Watchmen?

The most successful part of this trailer is that it makes me really, really want to know... are the Watchmen good or bad?

It's chock full of all the action and stuff, and of course Zack Snyder is amazing, but that tagline - Who watches the Watchmen - just a superb hook.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

To Infiniti... And Beyond!!!

So I started thinking about what brands have effectively communicated their message to me, and this commercial from Inifiniti (M series, 2006) almost immediately popped into my head. It might not be the message they're sending, but how they do it; the sketchy orange lines to show form let the viewer know what's on the screen before they even realize it. I think it serves as a good reminder of how sometimes less (two or three lines in this case) is more, even when you have a lot to convey.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

It's worth considering

I was just browsing through DWR, and came across the Cherner armchair. Since the first time I saw it in a catalogue about three years ago, I thought it was the most beautiful chair ever. And after looking through tons of websites, magazines, and catalogues - hundreds and hundreds of chairs later - I'm not sure if I'll ever see one that strikes me like this one. The compund curve of the arms is just so appealing. Beautiful.
On the DesComm side of things, we're into portfolio design. I think that class tonight was useful... The open-discussion style of things feels really appropriate. The portfolio
here has a nice little element in my opinion. Numbering pages? So simple, so everyday and mundane on regular documents and books and stuff, but I've never seen it on a portfolio like this. It's really effective and it adds a neat graphic element to each page.
It's worth considering...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

First Post

Well, this being my first post and all, I guess I should go through some general info about myself.
I am a native Cincinnatian and live in a town called St. Bernard. I own and live in a condo with my girlfriend Tiffany and our dog Maddy. Lets see... I just turned 22. I like to go out and have a good time with my friends. I play indoor soccer every sunday. I love sports. And food. And beer. I could go on writing this all night, but I'll stop there.

On to DesComm. If I had to give myself three goals for this quarter, they would be as follows (in no particular order):

~ Stop procrastinating. Or at least cut down on it. I would like to be able to breathe toward the end of the quarter.
~ Ask more questions. I know that I need answers. Prelude to answers: questions.
~ Have more fun with it. I tend to look at school assignments as all work and no play. I think that if I try to enjoy said assignments, it'll be a lot easier for me to get into them.

So, that's my first post. Some info, some goals, all good.